This Week's Quotation:
Accessing our heart’s natural intelligence can create an energetic field of unconditional love and harmonious interactions—helping humanity to realize we are one Earth, one yard, one people. Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment based on what you are feeling and thinking. That is what’s real.
~ Doc Childre, Founder HeartMath Institute
As humanity evolves beyond the paradigm of separation—transcending our experience of limiting love—we have the lovely opportunity to learn how to more fully embrace the heart’s natural intelligence and capacity for unconditional love. As Neil Diamond sings, all that’s needed is to turn on your heartlight. When our heart is unprotected, its light becomes a guiding beacon for others—just as a lighthouse is for seafarers.
When we are identified with the world of form, a lot in our world can feel beyond our human heart’s ability to take on. We tend to take things personally. We might avoid fully allowing ourselves to feel strong emotions. I’ve experienced this as an armoring of my heart that clouds its light.
I was overwhelmed with grief when my first-born son was dying from cancer. I was on my knees, constantly praying, God give me strength. I do not know how to process or endure this! In the darkest of hours, I was gifted a grace previously unknown to my experience—love’s eyes to see and love’s mind to process. It gave me the strength and courage to be fully present for my son’s final weeks in ways I didn’t know I was capable of.
During that experience, I learned that trying to protect myself from all the raw emotions I didn’t want to feel interfered with my ability to be present with an open heart. I also learned that getting to acceptance was the most powerful dissipater of the armor I’d put up to protect me from feeling those emotions. Acceptance doesn’t mean liking or condoning what’s happening. It means honestly recognizing what you do and don’t have control over.
Inherent to all life, unconditional love is present when our heartlight is online. We keep it radiating by keeping our hearts undefended. And when we have armor dimming that light, our heart’s unconditionally loving intelligence will guide us in chipping it away.
Let us keep our heartlight powered up. Then we are fully available, lucid, and present to the unfolding now, lit up and backed up by unconditional love.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
6 Responses
When engaging with the conflict and turmoil that is happening in the Middle East right now, my heart does experience a tendency to shut down, to avoid strong emotions and to armor itself, thus clouding and reducing its light. Thanks, Terri, for your suggestion that “acceptance” may be a key in allowing me to play a productive role in this world condition, allowing the full flow of Unconditional Love to penetrate my own creative field and that of the larger body of humanity.
Thank you, Terri. I had no idea about your son and yet I appreciate the way you came to acceptance — an important example for us all. yes, let me (and us) keep the heart light powered up ready to meet and bless all … no matter what. THANK YOU, BLESS YOU, LOVE YOU, WITH YOU. Tom
Thank you Terri, this is such a powerful testimony to that Grace that carries us through the pain of the earthly life. Doc Childre and the Heartmath Institute have made enormous contributions to teaching why the heartlight that you speak of is both a scientific reality and a spiritual superpower. Your blog is my guidance today.
Thank you, Terri, for sharing your very personal story of grief & loss–& showing us all the way to keep one’s Heartlight online. Such a powerful message of Unconditional Love….
Terri – what an amazing blessing you are – and I too had not idea of your deep and precious story – your sharing means so very much – it brings me to my knees in the memories of my own losses – and offers up the way out of the pain with such beautiful grace – thank you so much….